Industry Report

Dietary supplements market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

This product is also available in Polish

Dietary supplements market in Poland

Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029

Infographic Brochure Index and sample pages
Other versions: Polish
Sector: Dietary suplements
Country: Poland

The report represents a detailed analysis of the dietary supplement market in Poland, along with 17 key product categories. It also presents market development forecasts for the years 2024-2029, at pharmacies and elsewhere. The following phenomena are discussed in detail: changes in consumer behaviour, the development of alternative sales channels, and forecasts until 2029.

The package includes the Excel file with the most important data from the report, allowing an analysis/aggregation of the data, and the executive summary of the report presented as a PowerPoint presentation containing charts/graphics.


What is the content of the report?

  • dietary supplements market value for the years 2020-2023 along with development forecasts until 2029
  • dietary supplements market structure for the years 2020-2023 along with development forecasts until 2029, broken down to:
    • sales channels
    • offline and online sales
    • pharmacy and non-pharmacy sales
  • breakdown of the pharmacy market for dietary supplements by product categories over the period 2020-H1 2024
  • forecasts of price changes of dietary supplements and other macroeconomic factors
  • demand-side, supply-side and legal factors affecting the market
  • consumer behaviour, including places where dietary supplements are purchased and the characteristics of dietary supplements buyers
  • major manufacturers in the pharmacy market in general and by product category
  • the most popular dietary supplements brands in Poland

Why to buy the report?

  • It contains the practical point of view of market players
  • Shows hard sales data with comments from analysts, along with the results of consumer and B2B surveys
  • Analyses the direct sales and private label market subgroups
  • Compares distribution channels in terms of value and forecasts, along with consumer profiles
  • Illustrates the strategies of the leading market players

Who benefits from the analysis?

Executive board members and directors of strategy, marketing and sales at the following:

  • producers and distributors operating on the food supplement market in Poland
  • entities producing/selling drugs, food and cosmetics in Poland, and which plan to enter the dietary supplement market
  • companies present in other countries and considering opening for business on the Polish market or planning to enter the market
  • distribution companies (wholesalers, pharmacy chains, pharmacies and internet portals) and transport companies operating in Poland
  • private label manufacturers
  • agencies in the pharmaceutical industry and related fields dealing with the promotion and advertising of offers
  • entities providing financial, educational, consultative, analytical and research services in the pharmaceutical industry
  • companies looking for new investment opportunities or interested in taking over other companies in the dietary supplement industry
  • scientific institutions active in the field of food supplements
  • start-up companies interested in the market
  • retail chains interested in developing their food supplement offer

More info

For details on price and content please call:
+48 782 011 000
or email

Other versions: Polish
Sector: Dietary suplements
Country: Poland

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